Talleres Familiares

Ofrecemos talleres para fomentar la unión familiar y el desarrollo.

woman holding girl while learning to walk taken at daytime
woman holding girl while learning to walk taken at daytime
Talleres Interactivos

Promovemos el aprendizaje y la comunicación en familia.

grayscale photography of woman carrying girl
grayscale photography of woman carrying girl
man carrying daughter in black sleeveless top
man carrying daughter in black sleeveless top
woman holding boy during daytime
woman holding boy during daytime
Crianza Positiva

Talleres para mejorar la crianza y el vínculo afectivo.

Galería Familiar

Imágenes de nuestras sesiones y talleres para el bienestar familiar.

boy in black t-shirt hugging girl in red and white polka dot dress
boy in black t-shirt hugging girl in red and white polka dot dress
photography of woman carrying baby near street during daytime
photography of woman carrying baby near street during daytime
man in white shirt carrying girl in gray shirt
man in white shirt carrying girl in gray shirt
child kissing woman's tummy
child kissing woman's tummy

Talleres para Familias

Ofrecemos talleres personalizados para fortalecer la dinámica familiar y mejorar la comunicación entre sus miembros.

woman wearing white sweater carrying a daughter
woman wearing white sweater carrying a daughter
woman in black and white striped shirt hugging girl in black and white striped shirt
woman in black and white striped shirt hugging girl in black and white striped shirt